I should tell you all, that I have been in love with horses all of my life! So no surprise when I heard tales of them being shot/slaughtered/culled? and declared a feral animaI, suddenly realized ! wow! these brumbies belong to all of us ! they are part of our heritage, our history, how can they be destroyed? what the hell is going on? Okay so now can you help please? by checking on any brumbies/wild horses?in your area. find out the stories of how they got there? what stallions were there? do you know the bloodlines? for example I've been told by one Victorian ,that one of the Melbourne Cup winners ,maybe Archer? or maybe his colt? ran with the brumby mob- actually the Man from Snowy river story does confirm that (the colt from Old Regret) had got away? so I'm sure there were some serious quality bloodlines involved in the mob! I've already got dribs & drabs from some of you! but it is so critical that we record all this knowledge in one place! hopefully this web site! At some stage I am hoping a book can come out of all this! We are are talking huge numbers -200,000 remounts/horses gathered from all over Australia. -being used also as /stock horses/carriage horses/people were not breeding their own horses back 100/200 years ago- Another contact has assured me that (Suffolk Punch) blood was introduced at one point-to another Victorian mob! also some Clydesdale blood ,I find all this fascinating & I hope you all agree. An original photo of the big muster for world war 1.